Lone Morch Lone Morch

The Sacred Mountain

Full and ripe, the moon bathed the earth in a dark, gentle light, lending a luminous silkiness to everything. And there, right in front of me, the sacred mountain, Illuminated, Sublime."

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Lone Morch Lone Morch

Why I choose to self-publish

I'm getting a lot of questions regarding publishing my book Seeing Red. I hope my musings help you find your way with publishing. 

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Lone Morch Lone Morch

The Great Liberator

Sexual is possibly, an unlikely descriptor of this ancient, spiritually rich place, but to me, its fecundity is ubiquitous, blasting my senses wide open."

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Lone Morch Lone Morch

Bursting the bubble

I’m visiting my brother in Jakarta, amidst a congested, concrete jungle of 20 million people, to many of whom social life is enacted in opulent, many-stored, air-cooled malls with more shiny objects than your heart can possibly desire and where 5+ hours a day in traffic is normal. Incredible wealth co-exists with wild poverty and bad city planning, and still, everyone’s striving for more.

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Lone Morch Lone Morch

The Feminine Fad

Dalai Lama flattered many of us, when he declared that Western Woman will save the world. Why didn’t I clap my hands gleefully? Because I felt an ancient fury rise from my gut.

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